• Remote Monitoring Systems
  • Web Technologies
  • Software Development

Project Description

ADVANTIC Sistemas y Servicios is an ICT company specialized on remote monitoring systems and leverages on research and development for creating new ideas in order to extend market opportunities.

Business Needs

To have an application that allows a user to gather, store and view the data arriving from a deployed wireless sensor network, as well as send commands to specific nodes and generate specified reports.

RapidSoft Role

Design and develop the solution using which local user will make use of all three components (app GUI, app core, serial forwarder) in the same machine.

Solution Overview

The application consists if has the following three components which are deeply interconnected and work in coordination with each other.

Serial Forwarder (SF #1, SF #2, SF #3), Application Core, Application GUI

Web front is developed in PHP along with the socket application which interacts with Advantic's serial forwarder which gets the data from the node and updates the database.


Provides real time Sensing Capabilities anytime anywhere, for applications such as Water transport, Leakages detection, Environment monitoring system, Patient monitoring system/Infant monitoring system